My project is a personal story about the path to myself through different "social masks". Before the project started, I did not think about how important the "social image" is for me and how difficult it is to appear in public without it.

I got "my face" being very young, when the Soviet system began to forge its citizens from the pre-school age.
During my churching in addition to external «don’ts», a number of internal ones appeared.
I felt especially clear that I was hiding behind myself when I took up creative photography. It turned out that taking a self-portrait is very difficult due to the reluctance to accept the real me.

I recon that many people never think about how hard it is to live, hiding  yourself from public opinion under the mask. The story you see is one of the options for how you can reveal yourself through photography.

For the visual embodiment of my ideas I use a white dress as a social mask. In the first photos I am hiding behind it and feeling uncomfortable when I find myself without it. Further on, the image of the dress follows the path of purification through the elements of air, water and fire, and gains freedom.

My project lasted about two months, and I noticed the more I filmed, the more freedom and self-confidence I gained.

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